Artificial intelligence (AI) has continued to emerge as a transformative force in our rapidly evolving technological landscape. To participate in the advancement of AI technologies, policies, and ethics on a global scale, the AI Global Council—a group founded with the vision of fostering collaboration and reshaping the responsible development and deployment of AI—is addressing important questions regarding AI adoption. At the council's second meeting this past January, one of the key discussion points centered around what keeps AI experts up at night.
We asked Vincent Yates, Chief Data Scientist at Credera, to provide his thoughts on this topic. Watch the excerpts of his response and read key takeaways below:
Vincent Yates says what keeps him up at night is the fear that poor strategic planning on the part of companies eagerly looking to adopt artificial intelligence will cause another AI winter. The primary driver of this fear is that, in Yates’s opinion, many organizations are not being strategic about its implementation and attempt to adopt AI for the sake of AI. These organizations are often issuing blanket statements that “we as an organization need to do AI,” with no intentional strategy behind that statement.
Companies looking to avoid this pitfall should designate individuals or teams to take ownership over AI, rather than leaving it in the hands of nobody in particular.
At Credera, we offer a perspective for both the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) as they consider the intricacies of implementing AI successfully.
Five questions CIOs must consider for generative AI adoption - In this whitepaper, we examine five key questions and recommend ways CIOs can move forward on their generative AI journey.
How to achieve your marketing goals through AI - In this downloadable article, we offer a practical approach for CMOs to transform their organizations through AI.
More from the AI Global Council
As the AI Global Council continues its mission of fostering collaboration and shaping the responsible development of AI technologies, the insights shared by our experts shed light on the multifaceted challenges and opportunities ahead in the AI legal landscape.
To explore more about the AI Global Council, follow along on LinkedIn or reach out directly.
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