

Feb 14, 2020

Valentine's Day: How Credera enables its people to follow their passions

Ernest Asare

Ernest Asare

Valentine's Day: How Credera enables its people to follow their passions

It’s Valentine’s Day, so we thought we’d ask our staff to share how Credera enables them to do the things they love by encouraging staff clubs and activities.

Read next: Wellbeing: What do we do and why is it so important? When people are encouraged to follow their passions and hobbies, we believe it makes their working environment more productive and less stressful, as well as helping people build strong social bonds.

For this reason, we have various social clubs such as: running, cycling, gaming, film, climbing, football, badminton, photography, tennis, ski and basketball. These are all managed by passionate Credera volunteers, who are also encouraged to create new groups if they see a gap in the market. 

We asked some of the members of these social clubs to share their experiences:

"I joined the Credera Run Club as I wanted to improve my mental and physical health. Getting out and running is a really good way to refresh and to keep things in perspective. Doing it with the support of the Credera team has really motivated me to start and keep running.  I never really ran before I joined Credera”

- John K,  Managing Consultant

“I have really enjoyed the monthly Credera Games nights. I was a bit nervous attending the first meet-up, being by far the oldest person there, but I have always felt welcome and have had a great time! The club introduced me to some interesting card games like Chosson and Carcassone that I may never have come across and my children now play them regularly. By having so many people willing to share their passions that are outside the typical work environment we are really benefiting from the diverse culture we have.”

- Sophie H,  Finance Manager

"We love our social events and clubs at Credera because they give us the opportunity to create a strong community within the company. The various social clubs (Football, Ski, Gaming) have given me the opportunity and encouragement to try new things ."

- Lettie S, Office and Events Manager

“The reason I joined the Credera Games club is for two reasons. The first reason is because I love playing games such as FIFA, GTA or Call of Duty and I play them in my spare time when I am at home, it is my hobby. The second reason I joined Credera Games Club was to get to know my co-workers. This has been very successful as I have got to know my co-workers very well, and I now feel like a part of the Credera team.”

- Nural D, Tech Support Apprentice

“The Credera Football club has helped me to revive my interest in playing 5-a-side football, which I'd lost over the preceding years. Through the Credera Football club I'm able to play at least one game per month, keep in contact with friends and stay active!”

- Dimitris K, Finance Assistant

“My favourite thing about working for Credera is the people that you get to work and play with. Everyone is genuinely interesting to spend time with and there is a lot of enthusiasm for a range of social activities, such as the Credera Climbing Club, monthly Football 5-a-side and games night.“

- Dr Kim W, Managing Consultant

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“When I first joined Credera, I noticed we were great in sport and fitness clubs, but not so good in art and cultural related activities. Thus, after talking with colleagues of mine, we initiated the Credera Film Club and started to host one screening in the office, after work, per month. The screening of our choice is accompanied by a short intro and food that matches the theme of the film. Afterwards we critique the movie and select the next one!” 

- Dr Naya G, Consultant

Credera continues to support the various social clubs and looks forward to hosting and supporting many more fun filled events in the year ahead.

 If you are interested in joining Credera , check out our current vacancies.  

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