Anybody who has been part of an efficient, successful team knows how the results are exponentially better—and the journey more enjoyable—when everybody knows what’s happening. You need to keep people informed and make sure everyone’s on the same page.
The best consulting teams rely on effective communication. While the goal is obvious, the path is less defined. At Credera, our leadership makes a concerted effort to encourage communication within all levels of the organization.
Here are three ways that Credera facilitates communication:
Mentorship: On my first day with the firm I was assigned a mentor to help me become a better consultant. This gave me the opportunity to share how I was acclimating, what my career goals were, and the best practices of a technology consultant. I still go out to lunch and happy hours with my mentor regularly where I share and learn from him. If I have a problem or a question, he is always able to talk.
Monthly company-wide meetings: Every month, there is a meeting where the CEO shares everything about the firm: finances, employment activity, and any other relevant information. Any topic is allowed and he specifically asks for hard questions to make sure any pressing questions are raised. This direct approach to sharing information allows everybody to feel not only invested in the numbers but comfortable with the direction of the firm.
Practice retreats: Every year, the practices all have a retreat where they take the day off and do something fun. For example, we have played Whirlyball, knockout basketball, and other games at my practice retreats. This builds an element of friendship. The change in atmosphere allows a different form of communication. When we’re back in the office it’s easier to ask a close colleague a question or communicate with them.
By taking this emphasis on communication and putting intelligent people together, Credera fosters a free flow of creative ideas. This in turn makes everybody more knowledgeable, enjoyable, and committed.
We’re “open-sourcing” the Credera culture in a series called Life at Credera. We are sharing an authentic perspective on what we are learning and where we are growing. We are talking about friendships and fun, growth, higher purpose, talent and character, leadership, and communication.
We hope this series is a helpful resource on the continuous pursuit of a great culture. And we hope the results are encouraging to our company, employees, clients, and friends.
Looking for more? Check out these great Life at Credera perspectives:
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