

Jun 06, 2023

Unlock the power of real-time decisioning with Customer Engagement as a Service (CaaS)

Credera Team

Credera Team

Unlock the power of real-time decisioning with Customer Engagement as a Service (CaaS)

Picture this: a 35-year-old shopper is browsing the internet for a jacket. As she explores, she effortlessly discovers the perfect jacket. She also stumbles upon matching shoes, a bag, and a scarf. This isn’t just chance or impulsive buying—it’s the power of data-driven analytics delivering real-time insights and intelligence. It’s nothing but decisioning. With decisioning, every move and message in the shopping journey and experience is guided by smart predictions.

Decisioning combines the power of data, rules, engagement policies, and predictive analytics to make compelling choices regarding what to present to customers, through which communication channel, and precisely when to engage. By harnessing the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), decisioning goes beyond conventional channel limitations, enabling smarter interactions at every touchpoint that can adapt and change in real-time. As per Mckinsey’s Next in Personalization 2021 Report, 71% percent of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions and 76% percent get frustrated when this doesn’t happen. Not surprisingly, targeted communication that is relevant and useful can create lasting customer loyalty and drive revenue growth between 10-30%. Which is why decisioning resides at the core of how businesses formulate, execute, and refine their customer experience strategies.

Real-time decisioning: A CMO priority

In today’s competitive business landscape, a laser-sharp focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences is imperative. To achieve this, the modern CMO needs to deliver contextually relevant experiences at the right moment in the customer life cycle via preferred customer touchpoints at scale.

The process is challenging. Here’s why:

Numerous interactions across multiple online and offline platforms shape a consumer’s overall experience. Moreover, modern consumers engage in their decision-making journey at multiple stages, not just at the top of the marketing funnel, aka the ‘Awareness’ stage. To keep pace with customers, brands need to be able to make decisions about how to engage in milliseconds with hundreds of data points across multiple channels.Many organizations do not have digital channels connected to other critical avenues of the customer lifecycle, like sales, service, and agent channels. This is a blind spot because those interactions are crucial to creating robust relationships. Organizations lack end-to-end customer experience (CX) orchestration capabilities that are real-time and comprehensive across organizational functions, processes, products, and teams.

The CMO has to devise a strategy to build a foundation of customer centricity leveraging technology and data to galvanize business growth. In essence, what is needed is a platform for real-time decisioning that:

  • Delivers real-time next best actions (NBA) across all digital channels

  • Connects all the customer engagement points into a unified customer experience

  • Provides contextual offers with a strong focus on empathy for the customer

  • Balances the priorities of the business with the needs of the customer with each NBA

  • Leverages technology to create hyper-personalized customer experiences

  • Uncovers actionable insights from the vast troves of customer data available through AI and decision strategies

Organizations are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of real-time decisioning as, according to a Pega study, 88% of organizations believe that real-time decisioning is crucial to creating a superior customer experience. But only 39% have actually made the investment. Disparate martech and adtech products, lack of system integration and limited actionable data-driven insights make it challenging for them to incorporate centralized, real-time decisioning.

Smarter decisions, successful outcomes, every time, everywhere

At Credera, we recognize that an integrated platform of people, processes, data, and intelligent applications can consistently deliver successful outcomes in the decisioning process. To achieve this, we offer Customer Engagement as a Service (CaaS), powered by Pega’s Customer Decisioning Hub (CDH).With CaaS, you can:

  • Make every customer experience hyper-relevant: Our solution continuously reads the billions of signals your customers generate.

  • Accelerate customer service with next-best actions: We use always-on insights and Pega’s Next-Best-Action approach, which uses AI to identify the most effective action to take next in real-time.

  • Automate and orchestrate at scale: CaaS enables you to automate and orchestrate customer service journeys to provide a unified experience to each customer.

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