

May 22, 2024

Going green: Celebrating Green Week 2024 at Credera

Chioma Chukwuma
Sophia Bell

Chioma Chukwuma and Sophia Bell

Going green: Celebrating Green Week 2024 at Credera

In April, Credera hosted its fourth annual Green Week—a week-long series of initiatives designed to amplify internal awareness of our sustainability efforts to coincide with Earth Day. Our global offices came together to deliver virtual and in-person events with the aim of affecting internal change, raising awareness, and giving back to our community.

Here are some of the things we did throughout the week:

Plastic Detox Challenge and Meatless Monday

To kick off the week and celebrate Earth Day, the U.S. organized Meatless Monday, encouraging staff to prepare a meatless lunch and discuss the environmental cost of the meat industry as well as ways to reduce environmental harm in food consumption.

In a similar vein, the UK offices took part in the #PlasticDetox Challenge to reduce our use of disposable plastic. We prepared lunches at home and gathered in the office to learn more about the effect of plastic on the environment.

Paint and plant workshop

Credera Art Club ran a paint and plant workshop in all UK offices. Attendees got creative with pens and paints to decorate their own terracotta pots with an array of colors and designs. Each participant received a wildflower seed ball to plant at home, which will attract pollinators and encourage wildlife diversity.

Case study on Credera’s environmental and social governance impacts

Credera Architect Suchi Patel gave a presentation on Credera's environmental and social governance (ESG) work with a Fortune 500 company titled "Leveraging technology to accelerate ESG journeys." Credera worked with a retailer to demystify their approach to ESG reporting by validating their goals and mapping their way to success. This presentation showcased the capabilities of Credera in the ESG space and how we can help clients mature their ESG journeys.

Rethinking recycling

U.S. offices came together for a presentation on rethinking recycling, challenging participants to think deeply about how they interact with materials and educating them on best practices.

Conversation about public transportation

The U.S. wrapped up Green Week with a presentation on public transportation and safety, where we discussed domestic and international approaches to public transportation, the benefits and challenges facing cities wanting to improve their transportation systems, and shared our favorite cities for public transportation.

Carbon footprint with Green Element

In a special Green Week edition of our Lunch & Learn series, we had the pleasure of hosting Senior Climate Analyst Kyoko Yamafuji from Green Element, an environmental consultancy helping organizations worldwide become sustainable business forces for the future.

Yamafuji helped us understand how a carbon footprint is calculated, guiding us through Credera’s own sustainability journey and highlighting ways each of us can make a positive impact, from optimizing home heating practices to advocating for low-carbon transportation alternatives. Participants found her business travel decision tree very useful, empowering them to make informed choices that align with our sustainability objectives.

Invenergy speaks on wind energy

In the U.S., a former Credera employee and current project developer at Invenergy, Ben Grotta, gave a presentation on wind energy. Over the course of an hour, Grotta explained the business and environmental case for focusing on wind energy, provided general information on the science and technology behind it, and fielded questions from the highly engaged audience. Audience members left the presentation feeling better educated on this growing field of environmental technology and empowered to participate in discussions about it.

Looking forward

We are grateful to all our speakers and audience members for making Green Week 2024 so successful. We can't wait for next year!

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