

Sep 28, 2018

The Roster: Vol. 12

Ally White

Ally White

The Roster: Vol. 12

At Credera, we believe we’re truly better together. The Roster is a monthly series that allows you to get to know leaders at all levels across the firm.

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Simon Saugier


Dallas, TX

Life Hack: I use to shop my electricity provider, and I use my previous year’s electricity usage to forecast cost with the top 3 plans. Super nerdy I know, but I got frustrated when I realized that the electricity providers were profiting off of people’s ignorance and inability to follow their complex cost equations. This nerd is fighting back.

Now Playing: I think “The Office” is the best TV series I’ve ever seen.

Favorite Book: The Bible. It’s the only thing that has ever given me a rational explanation for everything. Through the lens of the Bible, I can make sense of the chaos I see in the world around me.

Personal Values: Integrity and keeping one’s word. I think it is super important that I do what I say I’ll do. That’s something I hold myself to. In others, I really value kindness and authenticity.

Favorite Credera Memory: One time when we were doing a midnight deployment of a limited beta launch, half the team went home early so they could get some sleep and be ready for the late night deployment. Unbeknownst to us, the other half of the team loaded up the team room with snacks, energy drinks, and decorations celebrating the launch! It was so encouraging to walk into the team room and find that waiting for us! I truly love working with people like that.

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Maria Knabe


Dallas, TX

Favorite App: Libby! It’s an app that lets you access your library’s ebook catalog if they use Overdrive. I’m a huge fan of the library. It’s hard to beat free!

Favorite Tech Tool: My mechanical keyboard. I changed my keycaps so they’re pink. It literally brightens my day.

Favorite Book: Red Rising by Pierce Brown

Favorite Sports Team: The Houston Texans, though it’s not easy living in Dallas and rooting for the Texans!

Office Music Playlist: Lindsey Stirling and Explosions in the Sky. I listen to instrumental music when I’m coding.

Client Experience Highlight: In February, we went live with an internal app that almost everyone at our client uses. It was really awesome walking around the office the next day and seeing the app we built over the past year on everyone’s screens.

Role Model: I can’t pick a single person, but working with so many smart people has given me a ton of people to learn from. I see the way someone goes about solving a problem or what a person’s attitude is like and I try to incorporate those things into my work.

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Will Pittman


Dallas, TX

Favorite App: Yummly – I get to explore new recipes and cook new things! Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t.

Now Playing: Currently rewatching House, again. For the 4th time…

Office Music Playlist: Forget Spotify or Apple Music, the M83 Pandora channel I have been listening to since I was a freshman in college still gets me through my workday.

Life Hack: Don’t be afraid to take on a challenge. Either you are going to find something new you enjoy doing and might be good at, or not.

How You’ve Seen the Core Values Lived Out at Credera: Working with the people at Credera makes it really hard for you not to perform well and be the best version of yourself. Other’s willingness to provide advice, lend a hand without self-gain, and share knowledge with others make working and “living” with this family one of the best experiences I have ever had.

Best Advice You’ve Received: Don’t take your self too seriously. As soon as you think you are the smartest person and know better, the quicker you are to prove the opposite.

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