

Apr 28, 2023

D2C: The Future of Retail Is Here

Paul Espino

Paul Espino

D2C: The Future of Retail Is Here

Direct-to-consumer (D2C) is a business model where a company offers its goods or services to customers without involving a middleman, like a distributor or wholesaler, in the process. Retailers engage directly with buyers without having to rely on brick-and-mortar stores or other mediators.

D2C is becoming an increasingly common way for consumers to shop. According to a Diffusion study, over 80% of consumers plan to make purchases from D2C brands by 2023. And eMarketer reports that 4 in 10 U.S. internet users expect D2C brands to account for at least 40% of their purchases within the next 5 years.

In addition to that huge market, a few more reasons to embrace the D2C model include:

Always open: Store timings are now 24/7/365, as online stores never shut down. This is also beneficial for customers as they can purchase products whenever they want, whether it’s early morning or after midnight.

Sell beyond geographical barriers: Unlike brick-and-mortar stores, which are limited to their physical presence, an eCommerce website allows you to sell your products and services across the world.

Improve brand visibility: Online retail gives you the chance to attract customers by using SEO to improve search engine rankings.

Understand customer behavior: Retailers can use analytics to constantly monitor consumers’ buying habits and tailor their offers to suit the consumers’ requirements.

Reduce operational costs: A web-based management system allows you to automate inventory management and decrease the associated costs. And running an eCommerce store doesn’t come with the same overhead costs as a physical store.

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