

Sep 20, 2017

Culture & Talent: Winning at Both

Justin Bell
Andrew Warden
Morgan Eseke
Matt Levy
Cameron Weinert

Justin Bell, Andrew Warden, Morgan Eseke, Matt Levy, and Cameron Weinert

Culture & Talent: Winning at Both

A strong and attractive corporate culture is one of the most important factors for talent acquisition and employee engagement.

To better understand what makes a company culture exemplary and highly attractive to employees, Credera turned to Glassdoor, the world’s largest crowd-sourced job site. After analyzing hundreds of reviews and cross-referencing countless reputable sources, we identified and discuss in the white paper six key areas that influence an employee’s perception of culture.

Closing the Gap & Winning the Talent War:

In our research, we were reminded that culture starts at the leadership level. We were encouraged by the fact that leaders and managers have a tremendous opportunity to influence corporate culture and attract top talent to their teams. In the white paper, we discuss the key areas where leaders must invest time and energy to build an attractive environment.

  • Creating physiological and psychological safety

  • Ensuring an environment of belonging

  • Developing an atmosphere of respect

  • Creating the sense that there is “something bigger”

  • Helping team members reach their full potential

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