

Jul 11, 2022

Credera Participates in WomenTech Global 2022 Conference

Rhea Horton

Rhea Horton

Credera Participates in WomenTech Global 2022 Conference

In May, Credera was honored to participate in the WomenTech Global 2022 Conference. The conference brought together women in tech, underrepresented ethnic groups, and allies from all over the world through an interactive platform featuring live educational and training content, keynotes, engaging panels, breakout rooms, technical workshops, and networking with virtual and in-person sessions.

The conference hosted over 11,000 women and underrepresented ethnic groups in technology along with allies from 140 different countries to empower women in technology with an aim to build a worldwide community and discover new opportunities and give back to the community through knowledge sharing.

Credera at WomenTech Global 2022

We are proud to share that Credera was a platinum sponsor for the conference. Additionally, we had over 25 women attend the conference and five leaders who presented at the conference.

Below are the links to each of our leaders' presentations:

Credera’s In-Person WomenTech Event

Credera also hosted over 60 women technologists and enthusiasts at Credera’s headquarters in Addison, Texas to close out the WomenTech Global 2022 Conference. Our goal was to bring together local women to encourage their journey in the tech industry and develop their networks.

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We hosted a panel discussion and networking opportunity where we heard from several Credera panelists, Nickoria Johnson and Rachel Slayter, and moderator, Johna Rutz, on their journey with “Setting and Navigating Boundaries in a Male-Dominated Industry.”

We’re glad the attendees spent their time getting to know one another, learning from the panelists, and building a supportive community with others in the field.

Looking Ahead

Moving forward, we will continue to support the professional development of women at Credera in technology by giving opportunities to attend conferences and other community building opportunities. Additionally, we will continue to amplify the voices of our women in technology to make an impact in our local and global communities.

Come Grow With Us 

At Credera, we couldn’t be more excited about our future. If you’re interested in a career where you can grow and make an extraordinary impact with people who care, please visit our careers page.

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