

Mar 23, 2015

Caring For Your Friends at Work

Morgan Eseke

Morgan Eseke

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Some may argue friendships are not for the workplace, that they are distracting and counterproductive. At Credera, we believe exactly the opposite.

In fact, at the core of everything we do is a desire to build valuable, long-lasting relationships with our employees, clients, industry partners, and community. To say it another way, our goal is simply to help our friends.

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We strive to build a family-like culture and believe workplace friendships actually make us better and more effective as a firm. Spending time together is the only way we know to build friendships. Company trips, company sponsored nights at the ballpark, and even the heavily utilized office Ping-Pong table help our employees foster meaningful relationships with one another.

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When it comes to business development, we’ve learned to forget about selling someone something and simply focus on helping others. We are able to provide much better value when we focus on being a good friend.  In the end, treating our customers like friends has paid dividends both financially and personally. Plus, it is always more fun when we get to work with friends.

It is important to note a desire to build friendships cannot be faked. The moment the motives behind helping someone become about an end goal, the relationship becomes manipulative and self-serving. It is no longer a true friendship and this is never our goal.

In our experience, building a culture that encourages friendships in the workplace has yielded higher employee satisfaction scores and contributed to retention of great talent. Additionally—and maybe most importantly—true friendships in the workplace provide more opportunities for laughter and fun!

How can you encourage friendship in your company?

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