At Credera, we believe we’re truly better together. The Roster is a monthly series that allows you to get to know leaders at all levels across the firm.

Kevin Erickson
Favorite Apps: Wall Street Journal & ESPN (Wisconsin Sports – my favorite team is the Green Bay Packers)
“Now Playing”: The Brave, it’s a new TV show that is regularly playing at the Erickson household.
Favorite Book: Too difficult to pick just one… Authors I love are Tom Clancy, Timothy Keller, Henry Cloud, and recently whatever science fiction Jake Carter tells me to read.
Passions Outside of Work: Family time (which often consists of playing board games with my twins), hiking, and reading. I’m also passionate about urban renewal, job creation, inner-city education, and mentoring young entrepreneurs.
Office Music Playlist: Explosions in the Sky, Piano Guys, John Coltrane + friends, Yo Yo Ma + friends, and Hillsong United.
Personal Goals: 1. To be a great dad and husband 2. Intentionally impact the lives of others 3. Run, invest in, and grow businesses and entrepreneurs 4. Expose my family to cultures and lifestyles outside of my North Texas bubble
Personal Values: 1. Work hard (still learning how to work smart) 2. Continuous improvement 3. Maximize strengths 4. Believe in and encourage others 5. Take enough risk that failure is possible
Favorite Credera Memory: Playing flag football at Cowboys Stadium with the Management Consulting Practice.
Client Experience Highlight: Helping our clients achieve something hard-fought or not expected (e.g., enter a new market, deliver on-time & on-budget, get promoted, etc.) and watching individuals become high performing teams where the sum of the impact is much greater than the individual contribution.
Biggest Role Model or Influence: My Grandfather. He left the farm in his mid-forties, moved to “town”, and started over with nothing. Over the next 35 years, he started multiple businesses, saw his kids get college degrees, and was inducted into the National Hall of Fame for his new profession. He taught me about the value of family, hard work, teamwork, and taking risks; while not letting the fear of failure stop you from achieving your dreams.

Alexandra Moore
Houston, TX
Life Hack: Make your bed. I have always felt better about my day if I start it off by making my bed… I think this speech by Admiral William McRaven does a great job of explaining the psychology behind it: Change the World by Making Your Bed, the first 45 seconds are all you need to listen to on this topic, but the whole video inspires in other ways.
Favorite Book: I love re-reading Originals by Adam Grant for professional development and Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis for personal development. I learn new things that apply to my life every time I read them.
Passion Outside of Work: Staying active locally and globally. I run, teach indoor cycling classes, and participate in a tennis league weekly. There are so many great ways to treat your body well, so I find a way to move every day. In addition, my husband and I have been bit by the travel bug and try to go on at least one big trip a year – our recent favorite trips have included visits to Panama, Iceland, and Germany.
Favorite Sports Team: The Texas Longhorns will always be my #1, but I am so proud to be a Houstonian that roots on my home team right now. The Astros’ world series run was incredibly inspiring and uplifting – they have been just what this city needs after Harvey!
Office Music Playlist: I’m not a big fan of listening to music while I work, but if I have any music on it is most likely some sweet 80s/90s/2000s remixes to prepare for the indoor cycling classes I teach at DEFINE Body & Mind in Houston.
Personal Value: I believe in the importance of always looking to grow – although I have a hard time breaking old habits, I love feedback and appreciate any opportunities to learn about areas I can improve upon. I am also motivated by helping and serving others and look for opportunities to do both in every area of my life.
Favorite Credera Memory: OpenGive, which took every member of the Houston office working outside of their client commitments to pull it off. For the event, we assembled teams of technologists to deliver applications for local non-profits in a weekend hackathon. In the end, it was amazing to see another way that Credera is committed to community – I loved getting to learn about what each team built and how the applications will serve the non-profits and their missions.
How You’ve Seen the Core Values Lived Out at Credera: I’m on the Talent Acquisition team, and I always tell candidates that I have witnessed countless examples of our core values of Integrity and Humility exhibited by Crederians. I think those two core values really make Credera stand out. Consultants have every reason to be prideful about the work that they do… yet Credera consultants are some of the most humble people I know!
Biggest Role Model or Influence: I would say the Eddie Reese/Kris Kubik combo at the University of Texas. They are the dynamic duo that has won over a dozen NCAA championships in Men’s Swimming & Diving. Eddie Reese is 76 and currently dominating the sport through his coaching style that has no match. You can tell work is not work for him anymore, and he could not be more joyful and down to earth about what he does. Kris Kubik is the most intentional and thoughtful person I know – even though I did not compete on the Men’s team, he made it a point to know me well and always had the right thing to say when I was going through a tough injury. Both of them make it a point to make sure everyone feels special and cared for – whether you’re one of their many Olympians or a walk on… they are so talented and lead others so well!

Carlos Rodriguez
Dallas, TX
“Now Playing”: I’m almost finished with The Wire, an older HBO show that was popular in the 90s. I highly recommend it.
Favorite Book: I’ve read and reread Catch-22. It sums up my sense of humor well: dry and often times exaggerated.
Passion Outside of Work: I love running. I’m currently training for my first trail half marathon, but my stretch goal is to qualify for the Boston Marathon in the next two years.
Office Music Playlist: I’ve got a “Motown” playlist that we listen to consistently in our team room.
Favorite Credera Memory: The client I currently work on has many traditions: yearly hockey games, weekly breakfast tacos, and frequent Plucker’s outings. My favorite memory is creating a new tradition. Luke Willson (another Consultant) and I started brewing our own coffee every day around 2:00 PM. We started offering coffee to others on the team, and soon we had a Yelp listing.
Mentorship Experience: Credera has a formal mentorship program that encourages you to speak with your mentor as often as you need and occasionally go out to lunch. By virtue of our teams, I’ve also been mentored informally by the Crederians on my team. I’m grateful for the people I get to work with every day because learning from experienced team members is invaluable.
How You’ve Seen the Core Values Lived Out at Credera: My team was preparing to give a demo to an audience of over 100 future users. I wanted to give the demo, but I was nervous about my first demo in front of such a large audience. One of my teammates, Shelby Strodel, met with me at a Starbucks for several hours on a Saturday and helped me create a script for the demo and run through it several times. Our demo went off without a hitch and I was incredibly thankful for her humility and professionalism.
Best Advice You’ve Been Given: Never stop learning.
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