

Aug 31, 2021

Meet our intern: Nabeel Hussain

Nabeel Hussain

Nabeel Hussain

Meet our intern: Nabeel Hussain

In August 2021, we welcomed our first cohort of interns to Credera's UK offices. We caught up with intern Nabeel Hussain to learn about his experience of working with us.

Nabeel Hussain 2021-08 v0.01
Nabeel Hussain 2021-08 v0.01

Nabeel Hussain Intern

Tell us a little bit about your background. What were you doing before starting your internship with Credera?

Before starting my internship with Credera, I was working with the NHS Test and Trace programme alongside my studies to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus in the UK. I recently completed the second year of my Mathematics degree. I am studying at Queen Mary University of London and am interested in pursuing careers in technology, consulting, and banking.

What made you decide to apply for an internship with Credera? I decided to apply for an internship with Credera to give myself a deeper understanding of the consulting world and to learn what it is that consultants do on a day-to-day basis. I was also keen to learn about other internal job functions within the company and how each of them operate.

What most excites you about your internship with us?

Interning with Credera has allowed me to gain hands-on experience of how things work in an office environment and it has given me a better view of job roles that I may wish to explore once I graduate. I’m also very excited about gaining exposure to a number of different industries. I have had the opportunity to meet professionals from various fields and have been encouraged to build connections with them.

What do you think was your most significant accomplishment whilst working at Credera?

My most significant accomplishment whilst interning with Credera was learning about Business Intelligence. I completed a certification with Microsoft PowerBI, which has really helped me to understand how Business Intelligence operates both inside the company and for Credera’s clients.

What are your goals for the future?

After completing my degree next year, I am looking to pursue a career in Engineering and Data Science. I am very keen to work with the advancement in technology that we see around us today and use this to better our everyday lives. I believe that Credera offers a number of opportunities within this space and I would be eager to explore them in the near future. I am also interested in receiving further education and eventually completing a Master’s degree and a PHD.

In your own words, how would you describe Credera’s culture?

Credera has a very tight-knit, ‘family feel’ culture, where all employees are made to feel important, listened to, and not that they are simply another number on a spreadsheet. Throughout my time here, everyone who I have worked with has taken time out of their busy schedules to support me, give advice, and teach me about their role within the company. I really appreciate all of these interactions as I have been able to gain a greater understanding of the consulting world. During my time working with Credera’s Scheduling team, I saw first-hand how each employee’s time is managed - whether they are working on a project or on the bench, and how they might use any additional time to complete training that will support their career aspirations.

How would you describe your overall experience of interning with Credera?

Overall, my experience of interning at Credera has been a huge learning experience and I have been able to gain a greater understanding of the consulting world and how a company like this operates. Credera is very unique in the way that they operate with all of its employees being well looked after, and this has allowed me to build connections and friendships that I know I can hold onto for years to come. I’m very grateful for the chance to complete my internship at Credera and would like to thank everyone I’ve worked with during my wonderful time here!

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