

Sep 06, 2021

Meet our intern: Delmar Leslie

Delmar Leslie

Delmar Leslie

Meet our intern: Delmar Leslie

In August 2021, we welcomed our first cohort of interns to Credera's UK offices. We caught up with intern Delmar Leslie to learn about his experience of working with us.

Delmar Leslie 2021-08 v0-01
Delmar Leslie 2021-08 v0-01

Delmar Leslie


Tell us a little bit about your background. What were you doing before starting your internship with Credera?

Before starting my internship with Credera, I was studying a computer science course at Brunel University. I will soon be entering my third year at university.

What made you decide to apply for an internship with Credera?

At the time, I realised that I was lacking in experience of the workplace environment and I had less of an idea of the job roles that are available within the technology space. As such, I sought out the opportunity to gain more experience and expand my knowledge. To my surprise, Credera seemed to align with everything that I was looking for and has been a huge help in allowing me to explore different avenues.

What most excites you about your internship with us?

It was the knowledge that I would be doing something completely new to me. It is my first time working within an office environment alongside tech professionals. I have been able to ask a number of questions and have received insightful answers that have broadened my knowledge on a variety of different subjects. Interning at Credera has also given me the chance to meet new people who could potentially be life-time connections and explore career paths that I may eventually decide to go down.

What do you think was your most significant accomplishment whilst working at Credera?

Personally, I believe it has been self-development. I believe I am naturally quite an introverted person but being in a friendly and supportive environment like Credera’s has really helped to bring me out of my shell. I have realised that if I really want to, I can do anything if I put my mind to it - whether that be networking with professionals or completing tasks to high standard. In the six weeks that I have been interning with Credera, I feel that I have grown in confidence and I will be able to carry this forward.

What are your goals for the future?

My current aim is to complete my university course and finish with a grade that I am pleased with. At the moment, I do not have a set career path and I believe that I still have more to learn before I can make a decision. However, interning with Credera has helped me to realise that working within the technology space is one of my future aspirations.

In your own words, how would you describe Credera’s culture?

Credera’s culture embraces the concept of being friendly and respectful, and every interaction that I have had with members of the firm has been pleasant. As an intern, I’ve been encouraged to ask for help when I needed it, and this has really helped to make me feel more comfortable – even if I have lacked in knowledge in a specific area. The company seems to incorporate the idea of family and as Credera continues to grow, I have noticed an increasingly diverse feeling throughout. I have been made to feel extremely welcome and I am sure that this is one of the many things that attracted a large number of the employees who work here today.

How would you describe your overall experience of interning with Credera?

Overall, I believe my experience of interning at Credera has been incredibly helpful to me. I believed that I needed to gain experience to link education with a professional work setting, and as Credera is an IT consultancy, it correlates with my computer science course. A number of concepts that I have come across through my education have allowed me to get involved in various professional conversations via Teams and even in person. For someone like myself, with no prior experience within the IT space, the internship has allowed me to gain exposure to numerous projects and get a strong feel for the working environment.

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