

Nov 23, 2022

From graduate to Analyst: Caitlin's Credera story

Caitlin Wakeford

Caitlin Wakeford

From graduate to Analyst: Caitlin's Credera story

In September 2022, we welcomed our graduate joiners into Credera's UK offices. We caught up with Caitlin Wakeford to learn about the journey that led her to become an Analyst at Credera.

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Caitlin Wakeford


How did you come to be a graduate consultant at credera?

My career aspirations changed between sixth form and the end of my bachelor’s degree. At first, I wanted to be a music producer, and then a games designer, until eventually I realised that I love analysing, problem solving, and chatting. I spent four years studying in further education. I gained a BSc in Computer Science at the University of Portsmouth and an Msc in Business Analytics & Finance at the University of Southampton. I spoke to a few technology consultants throughout my degree and came to realise that I was passionate about their line of work. This led me to reach out to a connection who worked at Credera, and they responded in detail about the benefits and drawbacks of different sized organisations. After further discussion, I realised that Credera offered exactly the type of culture and vibe that I wanted to be a part of!

How did you find the onboarding and induction process?

From the beginning, I had continuous communication from several HR employees who assisted me up until my first day. They informed me of where my training would take place and where I would be staying, since the duration of my training was in a different location than my home office. Whenever I had a query, the team were quick to respond. Upon joining, the induction process was great. My first day was really tiring (which was probably due to my nerves around starting a corporate role) but it was enjoyable and absolutely everyone was welcoming. The graduate training scheme was really well developed and I learned a great deal in a short space of time. Our graduate cohort grew close during our training, and we continue to have that same friendly bond to this day.

What does a typical working day / week look like for you in your new role?

A typical working day for me will start off with a stand-up call for the project I am currently working on. My colleagues will discuss the priorities that we set out at the start of the week and our current progress against tasks. The rest of my day will often vary from curating documentation and talking to clients to doing some internal work for Credera.

What have you learned about the consulting world since starting with Credera?

I’ve learned that in consulting, every day is different. It’s also important to keep in touch with your colleagues and stakeholders, because you can learn a lot from other’s experiences. Although you will learn a lot yourself, you may find that someone already understands more about a task than you might and that their experience is incredibly valuable. Keep your colleagues close and your stakeholders closer.

How would you describe your experience so far?

So far, my experience of working at Credera has genuinely been amazing. Each day, I feel highly motivated to work and I believe this stems from the wonderful environment that Credera provides. Everyone genuinely cares about one another and colleagues are always willing to lend their support. If someone does not know the answer to your question, they will always point out the next best person to ask, and there are endless opportunities to grow as an individual and an employee. I think another lovely thing about Credera is that everyone gets stuck in, and there are a variety of different events and socials to get involved with each month. As someone who relocated to a new location, it was important for me that I was able to get involved in social clubs – something that Credera offers in abundance.

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