After the Winter ’23 Salesforce release went live in October ’22, we ran another of our world famous release webinars. As we do with every Salesforce release, we give our highlights and key feature retirements. If you missed it you can request the recording here. If you don’t have time to watch the recording, here are our top 5 new features (and 1 retirement).
Custom address fields generally available
No more custom solutions to capture additional addresses for your Salesforce records – simply enable ‘Use custom address fields’ in the User Interace setup area, and choose the new Address custom field data type. Note that each custom address field consumes 9 fields from your object’s allowance!
ToDo list
A new utility bar component that shows all the tasks that are assigned to you to complete. Apply labels to categorise tasks, and drill down into a specific category, without leaving the comfort of your Lightning Application.
Omnistudio, the tool for constructing many of the Salesforce Industry Cloud customisations is now available as a product in its own right – available for Enterprise, Unlimited and Performance Editions for an additional fee. Who you gonna call? Your AE!
Lightning Web Component modals
You can now annoy your users just as easily with a LIghtning Web Component as you used to be able to with a JavaScript modal! The new LightningModal component forces the user to interact with it in order to regain control over their app – exercise restraint!
More support for dynamic forms
You can now break up more monolithic record pages, as dynamic forms are now supported for Opportunities, Accounts, Contacts and Person Accounts.
No new workflow rules
We don’t usually cover retirements in these blogs, but we couldn’t let this one pass without a mention – once Winter 23 is live, you won’t be able to create new workflow rules. Create your automations in flow from now on!
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