In our latest edition of The Credera Brief video series, Credera’s Chief Technology Officer Jason Goth breaks down DevOps through a comparison to the Toyota production system and makes the case for adopting DevOps at your organization.
DevOps Explained
In 1908, Ford introduced the iconic Model T, a vehicle that not only revolutionized transportation, but production systems as well. By 1922, Ford produced over one million Model Ts per year. Over 100 years later in 2020, Ferrari produces less than 10,000 cars per year. Unlike Ford, Ferraris are largely built to order, a process that can take months or weeks depending on customizations. Ford, however, didn’t start by building their cars. They prioritized building a factory and creating an effective production system, which allowed them to produce as many high-quality, cost-consistent cars as necessary.
So where does DevOps fall into all of this? At its core, DevOps is the adoption of these mass production ideas into software engineering. In fact, most DevOps principles and practices (e.g., automation, building quality in, reducing waste, and continuous improvement, etc.) were born out of the Toyota production system.
“Today, the ability to deliver technology is critical to business success. Jeff Bezos once declared to investors that Amazon is not a retailer, it’s a software company,” Goth says. “Companies like Amazon, Google, Netflix, and Facebook have outpaced their competitors by adopting DevOps principles. They produce software like Ford produces cars.”
Does your organization struggle with software delivery? Are they able to keep up with customer demands and competitor improvements, or do projects take months, run over budget, and fail to deliver on their promised outcomes? If you're experiencing the latter, adopting DevOps practices may be something to consider.
See how we’ve helped clients successfully implement and strengthen their DevOps strategies here.
The Credera Brief
At Credera, we believe the toughest business challenges are best solved by a team—a team who works together to share knowledge to accomplish their goals.
We created The Credera Brief series to distill the current market trends and ideas from Credera leaders and experts. These short-form videos will share different insights and perspectives across the topic spectrum from MarTech and innovation to strategy and technology.
You can find the complete series on our YouTube page, or reach out to marketing@credera.com to continue the conversation.
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