Dear Friends,
By now we’ve all been impacted in some way by COVID-19. From the global impacts to personal life shifts, we’re all doing our best to look into the future and make good decisions based on the unknown. This leaves us with uncertainty and in some cases, fear. However, I’d like to offer that it also unifies us in a way that nothing but uncertainty and fear can. As with other times of crisis, we will use this time to become stronger, build bridges, care for one another and become even more resilient for the next unknown event.
The ongoing mission of the Credera family is to make an extraordinary impact on our clients, our people, and our communities. We will approach this situation no differently. We know that prioritizing well-being and relationships, over anything else, will result in the most productive and successful outcomes. Like many other organizations, we’ve taken steps to help ensure our employees are safe. As of now, most of our employees are working remotely and connecting virtually instead of meeting face to face. We will continue to work together to achieve the best for our people, clients, and partners during this time.
We would like to offer some perspective that we’ve found to be helpful as we’ve navigated the crisis so far. In the days to come, we will offer this information through our website and LinkedIn. We’ve also found these articles beneficial in our quest to uncover best practices and learn from others:
We hope you find this information useful. As always, we’re in this together.
Sincerely and with gratitude,
Justin Bell
Credera President and Chief Executive Officer
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